Artothek Gaming Spot 2024
Gaming Spot for Artothek Wiesbaden Art Rental
Camera/Editing/Music: Alex Simonov
Writer/Graphics: Laura Yurtöven
Skatehalle Flohmarkt
Spot for Skatehalle Wiesbaden
Camera/Edit/Musikc: Alex Simonov
Artothek Jubiläum Vernissage
Spot for Ministry of Culture Wiesbaden
Camera/Edit/Music: Alex Simonov
Black Sheep 2018
First animated film
Animations by Alex Simonov
Music by Alex Simonov
Plastic World 2019
animated film
Animations by Alex Simonov
Music by plantasia (I do not own the rights)
8mm analog film 2018
project filmed on the Nizo 8mm camera.
Filming by Marius Kast & Alex Simonov
Editing by Alex Simonov
Artothek Jubiläum Interviews 2024
Interview Series for Ministry of culture Wiesbaden
Camera/Editing/Music: Alex Simonov